Tag Archives: God gives us all gifts

Every Day Gifts

One day as I was walking back to my car from dropping off my son at school, I heard someone calling my name. I looked over to see a friend of mine who was standing with a man I didn’t know. As I walked over, I felt the Holy Spirit say, “He needs to be encouraged.” After introductions, I began to hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit to bring up certain things. I began saying everything I was hearing to him, and he began to cry. I kept sharing these words of encouragement as long as the Holy Spirit led me. He then said, “I know we don’t know each other, but can we hug? You have no idea how much I needed to hear all that today.” After a bear hug, I told him that God sees his struggles and brought me over to tell him all those things. We’ve been friends since that moment.

When we think of spiritual gifts, we tend to think of the “big” ones listed in 1 Corinthians 12 like prophesy, words of wisdom, healing, performing miracles, discernment and interpreting tongues. Those can seem like wonderful gifts to have, but can also feel overwhelming to think about using. These gifts can be used anywhere, but are primarily seen in the church. However, there’s another set of spiritual gifts in Romans 12:6-9 that I see as every day gifts you can use at work, home, sporting events or anywhere you go. These gifts are serving, teaching, encouragement, giving, leadership and kindness. The gifts are for the people you come in contact with. If you look around, you’ve been perfectly situated to use these every day gifts God has given you. Which of them has God given you?

1 Corinthians 12:7 says, “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other” (NLT). It may not feel like it, but you have spiritual gifts given to you by God. It’s time to unwrap them, hone them and use them. If you’re unfamiliar with what your gifts are, you can take a spiritual gifts assessment and it will show you. The transformation of the Church going from a cruise ship to a battleship begins with the believers using their gifts outside the church building. We have been equipped to change lives, to make a difference in our communities and to restore people to God. He is ready to use the gifts you’ve been given so we must stir them up, listen for the prompting of the Holy Spirit and use them in love wherever we go each day. Take some time today to read all of 1 Corinthians 12 and let it challenge you to mobilize and use your spiritual gifts to grow the Kingdom of God.

Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash


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Energizing Your Gifts

A few weeks ago my wife said, “If Pricilla Shirer ever comes to Houston m I want to see her.” I got out my phone and found out she was going to be in Houston within the month. We bought tickets to the event and then went. It wasn’t just her though. It was her dad, Dr. Tony Evans and her siblings too. There was a lot of great content throughout the event, but one of the incredible things to me was seeing the different members of this family operating in their gifts. Anthony Evans led us all in worship. Dr. Tony Evans preached. Chrystal Evans Hurst, who has a podcast, shared like it was just the two of you in the room. The youngest, John, shared the story of when they found out their mom had been diagnosed with cancer. Then Pricilla taught from 1 John. Every one of them used their giftings effectively and communicated the Gospel.

When you look at the disciples that Jesus chose, it wasn’t a group that anyone would choose for students. However, Jesus didn’t choose them for their family name or their grades in school. He choose normal, every day people with different gifts to be able to turn the world upside down with the Gospel. Peter had the gift of leading and preaching. John had the gift of being a friend and teaching. Matthew was very logical and accurate which shaped the way he recorded the works of Jesus and wrote his gospel. I could go through the list one by one, but just know that they all had their strength and used them effectively to spread the Gospel. Those that heard them were amazed because they didn’t expect much from them based on who they were. However, when we operate in our God given gifts, everything changes.

1 Corinthians 12:6 says, “The same God distributes different kinds of miracles that accomplish different results through each believer’s gift and ministry as he energizes and activates them” (TPT). God has given you gifts from His Holy Spirit that need to be activated, energized and developed for His purposes. The disciples were people like you and me. They spent time with Jesus who stirred up those gifts in them. We stir ours up the same way. We energize them by using them when given the opportunity. However, they must be developed and honed. God’s gifts to us are usually raw and it’s up to us to mold them, shape them and make them better. Don’t wait on someone else to take charge of your gifts. Seek out your pastor, ministry leader or someone else to help you develop and use what God has given you. The world needs your gifts and the Holy Spirit is ready to empower you to accomplish what God created you to do.

Photo by Brad Barmore on Unsplash

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