Tag Archives: taking the land

Go Possess The Land

It’s no secret the Israelites wandered through the desert for forty years. However, there came a time where they had to cross the Jordan and possess the land. The same is true for us. It can feel like we’re wandering through life going nowhere while we wait for God’s promise. During your time of wandering though, you’re being prepared, you’re being refined and you’re being strengthened without knowing it. There will be a time coming soon when you will need to advance and possess all that God has promised. When that time comes, move forward with everything in you and take the land.

Here are some Bible verses on moving forward and possessing the land.

1. Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession of it; for we will certainly conquer it.”

Numbers 13:30 AMP

2. “Come on,” they replied. “Let’s attack Laish. We saw the land, and it’s very good. Don’t stay here doing nothing; hurry! Go on in and take it over!”

Judges 18:9 GNT

3. But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever.

Daniel 7:18 ESV

4. As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him.

1 Samuel 17:48 NLT

5. So don’t be impatient for Yahweh to act; keep moving forward steadily in his ways, and he will exalt you to possess the land. You’ll watch with your own eyes and see the wicked lose everything.

Psalms 37:34 TPT

Photo by John Thomas on Unsplash


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Taking Your Promised Land

My son, who is in elementary school, is having to read Pilgrim’s Progress. I remember having to read it at a young age too. Quite honestly I think it should be required reading for every Christian adult because there is so much depth to it. In it, Christian Pilgrim reads about Heaven and begins his journey to find Christ. On the way he meets people like Evangelist and Helper who guide him toward the Celestial City. He also encounters people like Worldly Wiseman, Despair and Formalist who try to persuade him to get off the straight and narrow path. Each person warms him not to listen to the others and he has to decide who is right and suffer the consequences when he listens to the wrong voices.

In Numbers 13, God told Moses to send out one person from each tribe to go throughout the Promised Land to scout it. They saw how fertile the land was, checked out the terrain and saw the cities. They noticed that there were several nations living in the land as well. They all agreed that it was a good land as God promised, but they also saw that there were giants and fortified cities that would be difficult to go to war with. The people began to murmur and to doubt God’s promise to give them the land. Then in verse 30 it says, “Caleb interrupted, called for silence before Moses and said, ‘Let’s go up and take the land—now. We can do it’” (MSG). You know the story. The people listened to the 10 spies with a negative report and faced the consequences.

What has God promises you? What voices are causing you to doubt Him? We often forget that there is a process to receiving His promises. There are battles that must be won, faith steps to be taken and moments where you push past what your eyes see. If God has promised something to you, there will be giants and people who try to persuade you away from going after it. There comes a point where you either trust God or you don’t. Receiving His promises is never easy. It takes faith and it takes courage to move towards it because others can’t see it or feel the passion God placed in you. Who’s voice will you listen to? There are consequences for listening to the wrong ones, but there’s also forgiveness. Ask God to give you wisdom in who you listen to and courage to proceed. Go take your land. You can do it!

Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash


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